Sunset timelapse over Canyon Lake, Texas – October 28, 2022

Screen title - Canyon Lake Sunset.

It was an amazing Friday evening here at the lake. The weather was clearing, the sun was setting, and I wanted to try out some new Hyperlapse settings on the Mavic 2 Zoom.

Using a slow speed (1.1 MPH) course lock and 5 second shutter interval, the sunset and a few minutes afterward were captured in a short 12 sec. clip. The longer duration between shots and the windy conditions made for a somewhat unstable final result.


  • the longer the time delay between shots, the more you will see issues with shot smoothness
  • wind is a big factor, despite advanced GPS and inertial sensors; a 1 kilo drone is heavy and powerful enough to handle gusting winds aloft
  • shots like this will benefit from a polarization filter and a longer shutter speed, to smooth out the image transitions
  • post-processing with a stabilization plug-in, would help